Trend Sketch

Resurgence of the Wrist Band
Return of the Watch

The Swiss watch has become a timeless indicator of wealth, power and precision; 9 out of the 17 past issues of HBR has featured a watch on the back cover. What do other wrist accessories say about their wearer? How will this influence the wristband wearable tech market? 

Now that the wrist accessory is making a comeback, think Apple Watch and Fitbit, how has the image and purpose of this accessory shifted over the past 40 years? Who is it now for? What has is signified? What does it now signify? What has it learned from other wrist accessories? Why is Roger Federer the perfect face for Rolex? Could it be the Swiss precision he demonstrates on the tennis court? What does that say about watches? Does wearing a watch signify that you are reliable?

The wrist watch seems a bit generational. Who really has remained faithful to their wristwatch since the introduction of the cellphone?

What does this mean for the new watch market? In doing a quick trend study it appears that there is a resurgence in the 'functional wrist accessory market', ie. 'wearable tech' such as Jawbone and UP3 Fitbit. I'm betting that when Apple Watch enters the market it will be a welcome and much needed next step for the soon to be conditioned 'wrist tech dependent' consumer. 



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